Box Alternatives

/Box Alternatives
Box Alternatives2019-01-30T13:38:40+00:00
Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea – Japanese Barberry - We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea – Japanese Barberry

Osmanthus burkwoodii - Burkwood Osmanthus - We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Osmanthus burkwoodii – Burkwood Osmanthus

Click here for more details

Euonymus japonicus – Evergreen Spindle Variegated - We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Euonymus japonicus – Evergreen Spindle

Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Variegatum’- We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Variegatum’

Ilex crenata - Japanese Holly We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Ilex crenata

Japanese Holly

Click here for more details

Pittosporum tenuifolium – Tom Thumb - We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Pittosporum tenuifolium – Tom Thumb

Lavandula hidcote – Lavender Hidcote - - We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Lavandula hidcote

Lavender Hidcote

Sarcococca confusa – Winter Box - We can supply, plants & all aspects of hedging within the Hampshire Sussex Surrey Dorset Devon New Forest areas.

Sarcococca confusa – Winter Box


Delivery charges may apply and will be based on the order size and location so, please provide us with as much information when you contact us with your enquiry.

If you would prefer to collect up your order please email to make an appointment.

Please note that payments cannot be made online. A member of staff will call you and take payment over the phone.

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Don't see something that you require?

If you don’t see something on our website that you require, we can generally order in most varieties of hedging and topiary in various sizes please email your inquiry to:
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